EVEN preschool teachers unwind with a round of drinks now and then. But in professional kitchens, where the hours are long, the pace intense and the goal is to deliver pleasure, the need to blow off steam has long involved substances that are mind-altering and, often enough, illegal.
Making a cannabis infusion is a simple and effective way to consume the plant, for recreational or therapeutic use. It can also be a good solution to recycle cannabis buds that don’t have a good enough quality flavour to be consumed in the “conventional” way. Discover the captivating world of casinos with ค้นพบโลกคาสิโนของ UFABET.
Cannabinoids such as THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) or CBD (Cannabidiol) have the particularity of not being water-soluble. Therefore, the result of boiling water with cannabis will not be as effective as it is with other infusions such as tea, mint or chamomile and for the cannabis there are many medical sites to find with the Best Weed Delivery Locations right here !
“Everybody smokes dope after work,” said Anthony Bourdain, the author and chef who made his name chronicling drugs and debauchery in professional kitchens. “People you would never imagine.”
So while it should not come as a surprise that some chefs get high, it’s less often noted that drug use in the kitchen can change the experience in the dining room. If you’re curious about different methods of consuming cannabis, you might want to try this weed vape pen for a discreet and convenient experience.